Because your B&B Website Matters

Make a great First Impression

As a B&B owner you don’t need anyone to tell you how important a good first impression is. It’s why you invest so much making sure everything is perfect when your guests arrive. But of course, these days first impressions are formed long before your guest ends up on your doorstep.

Your guests’ first experience with you happens online

For most guests, their first experience of visiting your property happens when they click through to your B&B Website. Your website needs to offer an extension of the experience they will have when they stay with you, the same attention to detail, the same commitment to quality….


But all my bookings come through other websites….

That may well be true. Today most accommodation bookings are funneled through huge sites like, Expedia and even TripAdvisor. In fact, you may well ask yourself:

“Do I even need my own website any more?”.

The answer to that is an unequivocal YES!

You see, while most guest will find you through one of the bigger booking sites while researching their trip, they will invariably visit individual properties’ websites to whittle down their choices and choose which of the available properties to book. So while the lions share of your bookings come from other websites, your own website is what sets you apart and closes the deal.

Now is the time to revamp your B&B Website

When was the last time you took a critical look at your B&B Website with a view to refreshing its design or enhancing the visitor experience and improving its visibility in search engines?

Ask yourself:

  • Does my site offer a virtual window to what visitors can expect when they come to stay with me?
  • Does my site truly reflect the quality and value I offer my guests?
  • Does my site offer the same, seamless, contemporary experience across the range of devices my guests use to access it?

If the answer to any or all of those questions is “no”, then it’s time to revisit your website. 

Our 2020 B&B Website Packages Are Here

Need Something Not Covered by the standard packages?

No problem… select the custom option in the enquiry form below, give us as much detail as you can in the message area and we’ll get back to you for any additional information we need to give you a quote. 

*GDPR functionality will be built into your website, and will provide sample text for a Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, however ensuring those pages cover your business for GDPR Compliance is your responsibility.

**Ongoing website maintenance and support packages are available on a monthly or annual retainer basis — ask for details.

Kickstart your B&B Website Revamp today….

Yes... I'm ready to redesign my B&B Website!

B&B Website Packages

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©2020 West Cork Websites | +353 86 8233709 | [email protected]